God doesn't want us to be shy with his gifts, but bold and loving and sensible. 2 Timothy 1:7

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Spring Cleaning

Sring Cleaning 2012

Every mom
needs a

game plan
What’s yours?

It seems that most people have chosen to get their homes clean and

organized for their 2012 goal. Remember, organization is about

how your home functions, not how it looks. Here are some easy tips

to help make your home a more organized place:

Kitchen pantry storage – Add a pocket organizer to

your pantry door or add baskets to your pantry to keep

things more tidy and organized.

Bathroom organization – Storage can be functional

and decorative. Think jars, bottles, baskets and more.

Bedroom organization – Create storage under your

beds. Clean up your shoe using shoe boxes or racks.

Make your bed everyday.

Organize your kids’ rooms – Label shelves and storage

containers so they can easily put items back where they

are gone. Too young to read? Label with pictures!

Laundry room – Store cleaning supplies in a caddy or

open top storage container. This prevents bottles from

tipping over and makes your laundry room look less


Home office organization – Store all your supplies in

one area. Place all your hardware and cords in a way

that it isn’t blocking drawers or taking up leg room.

March MOPS Meeting

Come join us to paint and relax. Tuesday, March 27th from 6-8:30 pm. We will be in our CLC building that is next to the building we normally meet in. The kids will still be in the nursery where they are normally. We will be joining the painting class that normally meets on Tuesday nights. If you would like to bring something off your own that you would like to paint feel free to. They will be providing something for us.

Please RSVP on facebook or call Stacy Heaton at the church if you are not on facebook. (417) 866-7202

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

February MOPS Meeting

We had a great evening, these are pots of gold at the end of the rainbow.      

Saturday, February 18, 2012

You Can Help Too!

If you have anything you would like added to the our blog/newsletter (money-saving tips, special upcoming events, great craft ideas, etc) please email me at fbcspfdmops@gmail.comkrissabell@hotmail.com or contact me on facebook.


Ten Ways To Reuse Old Valentine's Day Cards

Find the complete article by the same name at http://www.associatedcontent.com/

1. Make place cards or a decorative garland for a party
2. Pair matching kids’ cards together for memory game
3. Turn front covers of old cards (with blank backs) into postcards
4. Make romantic placemats
5. Hot glue magnetic strips to small children’s cards to make fun fridge magnets
6. Punch holes around card and lace the edges with yarn to practice lacing with kids
7. Cut out pictures or figures from cards, punch holes, separate with beads or cereal rings on yarn to make a necklace with your child
8. Decoupage boxes, jars, a valentine’s picture frame, or other items
9. Cut out pictures/words from old cards to make personalized cards for next year
10. Cut up fronts from old cards into gift tags for next year

Questions to Ponder

Questions to think about for our February meeting. I think this will also be a continuation of what was shared during the January Meeting with Mrs. Maclaughlin. If you missed meeting her she is a great lady and this is her website. http://www.carlamaclachlan.com/

1. What are the rules in your home that you know you have, but may not be written down yet?
2. How often do you give consequences to your child, and how long do the consequences last?
3. How does your parenting style differ from other members in your family? (Your spouse, your parents, in-laws, etc.)
4. Does your parenting style cause conflict with people in your family? (Other than your children, of course)

God’s Word: Our Children’s “Owner’s Manual”

We’ve all heard the statement, “Babies aren’t sent home from the hospital with an owner’s manual.” Wouldn’t that be nice though? Children change so much with each passing day. Just when we think we have their “behavior problems” figured out, they grow up a little more and their behavior changes ever so slightly. If we had that “owner’s manual” we could just turn to the appropriate chapter for the age of our little sweetheart.

The Holy Bible isn’t exactly an “owner’s manual” arranged by age of our children, but it does have a wealth of information on how to take care of our children. The following are a few of the most well know verses:

- “All discipline for the moment seems not to be joyful, but sorrowful; yet to those who have been trained by it, afterwards it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness.” Hebrews 12:11 (NASB)

- “You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. These words, which I am commanding you today, shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your sons and shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand and they shall be as frontals on your forehead. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.” Deuteronomy 6:5-9 (NASB)

- “Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6 (NASB)

When you come on February 28th at 6 pm, I pray you will be encouraged. I pray you will gain insight on how to handle some “problem areas” you may be currently experiencing. Remember above all else, though, consult your “owner’s manual” (Bible) daily for guidance and encouragement from our Heavenly Father.

Krista Armstrong